... III. The Actors ...

values paradoxes

"And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowel of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth." Genesis 1:28


The Genesis description of the creation of biological systems is very general. There are a total of 10 verses mentioning biological systems in the creation account,3.170 and a total of 10 verses referencing biological systems related to Noah and the flood.3.171 These 20 verses are the crutch holding up the science religion debate, specifically as it relates to biological systems and scientific understandings of evolution. And yes, there are innumerable closed minded opinions and articles and books and theologies built around and extrapolated from these 20 Biblical verses.

It appears to me most of these opinions, articles, books, and theologies are nothing more than the views, judgments, sentiments, and persuasions of people with an agenda, people including theologians and scientists and individuals with strong opinions. Despite having an agenda, in my experience these individuals are generally not malicious, vengeful, nor consciously manipulative. Just because someone is liberal or conservative, democrat or republican, Methodist or Baptist, Catholic or Mormon, Buddhist or Navajo, Shiite or Sunni, atheist or agnostic, male or female, black or white, straight or homosexual, young or old, a scientist or a theologian, or of any other particular personal persuasion, it does not mean the individuals are automatically good or bad. However, those who are overly aggressive in pursuing their agenda, on all sides of all of the aisles, appear to me to be supported by evil spiritual forces. My key criteria for this generalization being based on the the intangible concept of being "overly aggressive." Certainly, as a missionary for my church in southeast England from 1970-1972, I was aggressive. However, it was never our objective to take away someone's freedom of choice, which is where I see a boundary between aggressive and being overly aggressive.

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