... III. The Actors ...

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Geologists have learned to look across very long periods of time in order to explain geologic processes. Compressing the plate movements, sea level rises and falls, ice ages, and other geologic processes into a short thought movie creates this animated image of a pulsating sphere. These geologic laws are mirrored by laws of physics, chemistry, and biology, which through their individual movement of the sets, actually become actors in the play. Not only are the tangible components of earth dynamic, the biological life forms that live on, in, beneath, and above the land and the oceans are also dynamic, and are changing even more rapidly. These life forms, including humanity, become actors, as well as being things to be acted upon.

It is my firm conviction that God, the key actor, is intimately involved in directing the most minute parts of the play, within the bounds of leaving each of us our free agency. What does this mean? It simply means, if we will knock, our prayers will be answered. For as Jesus taught, "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For everyone that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened."3.119

The bulk of the remainder of this book describes my personal reconciliation of the scientific and the religious, specifically relative to the creation of plant Earth, and is organized to parallel the creation account in Genesis. As stated in the Preface, it is intended to be a dynamic document, an ELDO, a medium for collection of thoughts, data, information, knowledge, and wisdom of those religious, of those scientific, of those scholars, and of those students who want to contribute. The end in mind being to build and better understand the a science vs. religion matrix (see Figure 7). After all "Nobody's as smart as everybody."3.120

Hopefully Buddhists, Catholics, Christian, Confucian, Hindu, Hopi, Islam, Jain, Jewish, LDS, Maori, Navajo, Orthodox, Protestant, Shiite, Shinto, Sikh, Sunni, and other religious groups can work with Anthropologists, Archaeologists, Astronomers, Biologists, Botanists, Chemists, Computer Scientists, Ethnologists, Geographers, Geologists, Geophysicists, Historians, Linguists, Mathematicians, Physicists, Political Scientists, Psychologists, Sociologists, and other scientific societies to evolve a more complete reconciliation of the science-religion matrix, from this initial framework.

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