... III. The Actors ...

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CULTURESumerian Gods3.7 Jewish God3.11 Egyptian Gods3.19
Time Frame 4100-2334 BC 1800 BC - Present3.12 1300 BC - 343 BC

Supreme God
Anu: the primary god, equivalent to "heaven." El or Eloah: singular description of divinity. Atum-Ra: chief god of Ennead of Heliopolis.3.20

Secondary God
Utu: the sun worshiped at Sippar. Elohim: third Bible word, the plural of El.3.13 Thoth: chief god of Ogdoad, Hermopolis

Tertiary God
Nanna: the moon worshiped at Ur. Yahweh & Jehovah (name of God).3.14 Chnum: chief god of Chnum-Satet-Anuket.

Others 04
Ki: Anu's consort, meaning "earth." The Lord. Amun: chief god of Amun-Mut-Chons triad.

Others 05
Inanna:3.8 Venus, worshiped at Uruk. "The Lord said unto my Lord" Psalms 110:1.3.15 Ptah: chief god of Ptah-Sekhmet-Nefertem.

Others 06
Enlil: cohort in north at Ekur temple, Nippur. Boreh: "the Creator." Ra or Phra: mid-day sun, falcon head man.

Others 07
Enki: cohort at the Abnzu temple in Eridu. Hashem: Orthodox to avoid saying Adonai. Amun: god of air or of wind.

Others 08
Nammmu:3.9 the Mother Goddess. Adoshem: fell into complete disuse. Horus: god of the sky, with one eye.

Others 09
Tiamat: mother goddess. Adonai: respectful plural ("my Lords") Ra-Herakty: Ra Horus, sky, earth, underworld.

Others 10
Ishtar: "the brilliant goddess", in Agade. Ehyeh-Asher-Ehyeh: "I will be because I will be."3.16 Ptah-Seker-Orisis: syncretic relationships.

Others 11
Ninshubur: Inanna's minister. Elyon: poetic use as "God Most High." Hathor: Milky Way, milk, udders heaven cows.

Others 12
Abgallu: sea monsters from Ab or Abyss. Shaddai: meaning "Almighty."3.17 Isis: wife of Orisis and mother of Horus.

Others 13
Gudgalana: husband of Ereckigala. Shalom: Talmud: "the name of God is 'Peace'."3.18 Khnum: the god with the ram's head.

Others 14
Ereshkigal: Nergal's consort. Shekhinah: feminine to "dwell among humanity." Sekhmet: lioness, war goddess, Ra's daughter.

Others 15
Dumuzid: consort of Inanna. Yah: first two letters of YHWH basis of Elijah. Set: an arch villain and source of evil.

Others 16
Nergal: death god over Irkalla underworld.3.10 Adir: "Strong One." Apep: evil demon, deify darkness & chaos.
Table 3a. The Gods of Mankind. (Note background colors correlate across cultures.)
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