. . . WristinfoSM a new personal information source

WristinfoSM: 2002 replacement for the wristwatch.

Imagine something the size of a wristwatch, worn like a wristwatch, downloading images with information on them:

The location images on the WristinfoSM are expected to look something like this:

Center of Location (01 zoom)
Location (01 zoom) full image
Center of Location (02 zoom)
Center of Location (01 zoom) full image
Center of Location (03 zoom)
Center of Location (01 zoom) full image
Center of Location (04 zoom)
Center of Location (04 zoom) full image
Center of Location (05 zoom)
Center of Location (05 zoom) full image
Center of Location (06 zoom)
Center of Location (06 zoom) full image
Center of Location (07 zoom) full image
Center of Location (08 zoom) full image
Center of Location (09 zoom) full image
Center of Location (10 zoom) full image

The weather images on the WristinfoSM are expected to look something like this:

NOAA Satellite Image of North Ameria
Zoom into Gulf of Mexico on NOAA Satellite Image
weather radar for the Houston vacinity
Zoom on weather radar for the Houston vacinity

The traffic images on the WristinfoSM are expected to look something like this:

Traffic on the major Houston Interstates, as currently available on the web

The images on the WristinfoSM are translated left and right and up and down like this:

Image scaled to
display size
Zoom and scroll
of image to west
Zoom and scroll
of image to east
Scroll of image
above image to left
to south

URL: http://www.walden3d.com/wristinfo/index.html

Copyright © 2002 Walden 3-D, Inc.
All rights reserved. Published in The United States of America
This page, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission of the publisher.

For further information contact:

Walden 3-D, Inc., P.O. Box 382, Barker, TX 77413-0382
- 281.579.0172 - facsimile: 281.579.2141 - cell: 713.542.2207 -
- URL: http://www.walden3d.com * e-mail: rnelson@walden3d.com -