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Images from Iraq_IG.xls

Click here to down load Iraq_IG.xls 3.581 MB file created on a PowerPC with 1152 X 870 screen resolution
Click here to download Iraq_IG_SM.xls 1.879 MB file created on a PowerPC with 1152 X 870 screen resolution
Click here to download Iraq_IG_PC.xls 10.631 MB file created on a PC with 800 X 600 screen resolution
Click here to download Iraq_IG_PC_SM.xls 5.546 MB file created on a PC with 800 X 600 screen resolution
Click here to download Iraq_IG3-4_PC.xls 2.2513 MB file created on a PC with 800 X 600 screen resolution
Click here to download Iraq_IG5-6_PC.xls 3.047 MB file created on a PC with 800 X 600 screen resolution

IG3 5o X 2.5o Grid Cells across the Middle East
IG3 5o X 2.5o Grid Cells across the Middle East with Iraq highlighted
IG4 1o X 0.5o Grid Cells across Iraq with Infinite GridSM Labels
IG4 Grid Cells with those six cells in the south highlighted
IG5 7.5' X 3.75' Grid Cells overlaid on a map of the depth to Moho
IG5 7.5' X 3.75' Grid Cells with the location of a burning field and two fields marked on a satellite image
IG5 7.5' X 3.75' Grid Cells overlaid on a satellite image taken during the second Iraq war
IG5 7.5' X 3.75' Grid Cells with cell over burning field and cell over two marked fields highlighted
IG6 50" X 25" Grid Cells overlaid on enlarged section of the satelite image
IG6 50" X 25" Grid Cells on enlarged satellite image with 3 well fires marked in green and 2 marked fields highleted in red
Skills Capture: Given a spread-sheet area based GIS (Geographical Information System), it is very easy to create spatial databases of
Skills, Resources, Case Histories, etc. In this example, the location of the largest fields are highlighted in red and green where it is
appropriate to do regional studies.
Index Basemap: showing map of Iraq with IG4 grid cells overlaid
Worksheet: showing spreadsheet worksheet with no formulas in the grid cells, the outlined grid cells representing the exten of IG4 grid cells over Iraq
Iraq Basins: highlighting number of oil and gas fields in each IG4 grid cell
Iraq Basins: highlighting the extent of each basin within IG4 grid cells and calcualting the percentage of Iraq each basin covers
Fetch Areas: highlighting the number of fetch areas in each IG4 grid cell
Source Temperature 10 Ma: highlighting an average source rock temperature 10 million years ago
Source Temperature Now: highlighting the present day average source rock temperature
Migration 25 Ma: highlighting the average maturity of the source rock 25 million years ago where 10=mature, 5=immature, and 15=seeps
Migration 8 Ma: highlighting the average maturity of the source rock 8 million years ago where 10=mature, 5=immature, and 15=seeps
Present Day Migration: highlighting the average maturity of the source rock where 10=mature, 5=immature, and 15=seeps
Cretaceous Reservoir Assessment Units: showing the extent of the IG4 grid cells over Iraq
Cretaceous Reservoir Assessment Units: showing the number of gas fields in each IG4 grid cell
Cretaceous Reservoir Assessment Units: showing the number of oil fields in each IG4 grid cell
Cretaceous Reservoir Assessment Units: showing the number of oil and gas fields in each IG4 grid cell
Cretaceous Reservoir Assessment Units: a different USGS map with Geologic Provinces Ovelaid along with IG4 grid cells
Horst and Graben Reservoir Assessment Units: showing original map with IG4 grid cells overlaid
Horst and Graben Reservoir Assessment Units: showing the number of oil and gas fields per IG4 grid cell
Horst and Graben Reservoir Assessment Units: showing USGS geological provinces
Horst and Graben Reservoir Assessment Units: showing the extent of geologic province codes 2023, 2026, and 2089 at IG4 grid cell resolution
Horst and Graben Reservoir Assessment Units: showing the extent of geologic province codes 2029, 2074, and 2089 at IG4 grid cell resolution
Horst and Graben Reservoir Assessment Unit: showing number of oil and gas fields at IG4 grid cell resolution

This page is at: http://www.walden3d.com/dynamic/iraq/spreadsheets/index.html

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