. . . This is a window into maps of where members of the Cedar High School Class of '68 Members now live

The map below is connected to a NASA photograph of the world at night, which is divided
into 64 cells. These cells are linked to other maps or to a larger image of the earth at night.

According to provided lists there are 4 class members that live outside of the continental United States:
2 in Alaska; 1 in Hawaii; and 1 possibly in Japan. Everyone else is in the Lower 48, with 138 of 169 of
the reported addresses being between Logan and Las Vegas and 74 living in the vacinity of Cedar City.

This page is at: http://www.walden3d.com/class68/ig/index.html

Copyright © 2003 H. Roice Nelson, Jr.
All rights reserved. Published in The United States of America
This page, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form
without written permission of the publisher or a member of the Class of 1968.

Send comments on Web Pages to: rnelson@walden3d.com