. . . Larry Brough Info

Name: R. Larry Brough Address: 1655 East 5250 North Enoch, UT 84720 Home Phone: (435) 586-4052 Spouse: Joy Grimshaw Brough Children: Michael Bradley, age 27 (Married to Elizabeth and they have one daughter) David Larry, age 26 Jennifer, age 22 (Married to Kevin) Kathryn, age 18

Professional Information: Retired from U.S. Air Force (25 years of service). Currently working for Metalcraft Technologies, Inc as a Program Director and Account Executive.

Hobbies/Interests: Mountain Climbing, Flying, Reading, Family and Travel.

Church Service: I have had the opportunity to serve in numerous capacities, but my most rewarding and enjoyable service has been as a missionary and youth leader. I'm currently serving as a Bishop in an infamous `Singles Ward.'

Goals: Climb the East summit of the Grand Teton this summer and then climb to the summit of Mount Kilamanjaro in 2005. Also, to be a most excellent husband, father and grandfather.

Most Embarrassing Moment: In the summer of 1993 I was flying a combat mission in Iraq enforcing the southern no-fly zone. After completing the air-refueling portion of the mission and crossing from Saudi Arabia into Iraq I began having excruciating stomach cramps and knew what was coming. I had a real dilemma in that I was in a fighter aircraft with no restroom facilities and at least one hour away from the nearest friendly airfield. Without going into great detail, I used some good old Cedar High School Class of 68 ingenuity and was able to relieve my pain without getting any of my bodily waste on the jet's interior or myself, though the cockpit did stink to high heaven for over half an hour. I was quite proud of myself in the fact that I thought I had kept my little problem a secret. The next day when I arrived at the flightline to fly another mission the pilot's name on my aircraft had been changed from Lt. Col. Brough to Lt. Col. Charmin and several rolls of toilet paper were strategically placed on a roller in the cockpit.

Greatest Accomplishment: Raising four outstanding children who honor my wife and me with the good decisions they make. Greatest Accomplishment: Raising four outstanding children who honor my wife and me with the good decisions they make.

Places Lived: Our family has had the great opportunity to live all over the world and in many states of this great country. We have live in Idaho, Alabama and New Mexico. Our overseas assignments have allowed us to hang our hats in England, Belgium and Italy. I also completed a remote tour in Saudi Arabia during the Gulf War. Best CHS Memory: I have so many fond memories of my time at CHS it is difficult to pick a favorite. I enjoyed the activities that involved being with my friends - attending basketball games, singing in the Acappella Choir and participating in the plays, especially the musical production of Annie Get Your Gun.

Final Comment: My family spent over 25 years living outside Utah, with half of those years living outside the United States. We have walked the land of many nations. We returned about four years ago to live the rest of our lives in this area. We can't think of a better place to be right now. How blessed we are to be in Southern Utah, to renew friendships and see many of our old friends and family. In my experience there is no better place on this earth than the USA. My God always bless America.

This page is at: http://www.walden3d.com/class68/2003_status/Brough_Larry.html

Copyright © 2003 H. Roice Nelson, Jr.
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