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Dear Roice, Ben, Paul, Melanie, Sara, and Rob,

cc: file, Mom, Sara and Des, Lloyd and Luana Warner, Darrell and Nancy Krueger, Diane Cluff, Tony Hafen, Claude and Katherine Warner, Forest and Amy Warner, Ivan and Chell Warner, and Eric and Renee Miner

Welcome to "Thoughtlets." This is a weekly review of an idea, belief, thought, or words that will hopefully be of some benefit to you, my children, with an electronic copy to on-line extended family members. Any of you can ask me not to clutter your mail box at any time.

"For those not here, Darrell Krueger came and stayed with us from Saturday evening through a few minutes ago. It was a wonderful visit. He gave me the blessing I always wanted my Dad to give me, and we had quite a bit of time to talk. It was very helpful for me. One of the things we talked about was these Thoughtlets, and specifically how I hang my emotions out with the words I write. He was able to help me see that when one does this there are times it will seem offensive to some who are not anywhere near the same place, and times the thoughts will be outright rejected. I apologize for the times I do this. It is not intended. I do intend to keep writing these notes, and then writing a hand written note on the copy I mail to Russia, at least until Paul finishes his mission. Then, depending on the comments you kids give me, I will decide whether it is worthwhile continuing the project.

Roice was upset about what I wrote last week. Because of the time Darrell and I spent together and because I leave for Austin then Utah to see Paul off and to go see Mom, I will not have time to post his comments for a couple of weeks. I encourage everyone to read them, as they are insightful and show the depth of his thinking (, then click on 97.08a, in about three weeks). He read words of elitism and judgment in my words about Risk. He suggested I 'should not always try to be the teacher and the parent with (my) children - (He) thinks that (you kids) have significant insights too, that (I) may learn from.' For the most part I agree with his comments. We had a great dinner on Thursday evening, and talked about it in much more detail. I had prepared the following chart on the bipolar nature of the universe. For those not acquainted with the word, bipolar means two states, like `on' or `off,' or `positive' and `negative.' My scientific background leads me to see much of the universe as bipolar, or opposite, choices:

>WE LIVE IN A BIPOLAR UNIVERSE H. Roice Nelson, Jr. 26Feb97 > Conceptual Space Physical Space Measurement Space > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ >Science Source-Sink Star-Blackhole Light-Dark >vvvvvvv Actual-Theoretical Proton-Electron Positive-Negative > White-Black Color-Black & White On-Off > Normal Pressure-Overpressure > Metal-Nonmetallic Explosion-Implosion > Magnetic-Nonmagnetic > NonRadiation-Radiation > Act-Not Act Natural-Synthetic Hot-Cold > Water-Ice Rain-Snow > Vapor-Water Sunshine-Rain > Leaf-Flower Wet-Dry > Stem-Leaf > Wisdom-Knowledge Branch-Stem > Knowledge-Information Trunk-Branch Fast-Slow > Information-Data Root-Trunk > Fruit-Vegetable > Photosynthesis-NonPhotosynthesis > Plant-Animal Movement-Still > Reptile-Mammal Awake-Asleep > Cow-Bull > Girl-Boy Friend-Enemy > Women-Men Married-Single > Houston, Katy Roof-Wall > Wall-Floor > Field-Road Virgin-Lascivious > Lawn-Driveway > Clear-Cloudy > Out-In Build-Destruct McDonalds-Burger King > Up-Down High-Low > Right-Left Bridge-Edge > Soft-Hard > Design-Build Full-Empty >Objective Lift-Drop Diamond-Zychonian Enter-Exit >vvvvvvvvv >------------------------------------------------------------------------------ >Subjective Objective-Subjective Home-Office Mexican-Chinese >^^^^^^^^^^ > Share-Take Stand-Sit > Giving-Selfish Run-Walk Music-Noise > Serve-Take Swim-Float Country-Rock > Service-Selfish Classical-Country > Calm-Angry Support-Tear Down > Early-Late Extroverted-Introverted > News-Gossip Love-Hate Honest-Liar > Innocent-Guilty > Moral-Immoral > Ethical-Unethical Follow Commandments-Sin Glory-Shame > Lift-Putdown Spiritual-Temporal Active-InActive > Trust-Judge Spirit-Body > Accepting-Judgmental Life-Death Testimony-Dissident > Happy-Sad >Religion Good-Bad Christ-Satan Heaven-Hell >^^^^^^^^ >

I also wrote how we can expand the scale at the boundary, but our universe is still bipolar, and almost invariably we need to make a choice. The scriptural example of how Abraham taught us `as one star differeth from another so is the resurrection' was used to describe the continuum on either side of the bipolar boundary. I also included a statement about how Christ taught us to be hot or cold, but not lukewarm, implying we should not to sit on the fence, or live at the boundary. Roice was very quick to point out many of the items on my list are part of a continuum, and how often no choice is required. For instance, in my metallic, non- metallic example, he asked `Where does the transistor fit in?'

I thoroughly enjoyed the discussion. I continue to believe we end up making choices on most of the examples in the above chart. I believe it is possible to spend one's whole life avoiding choices of `right' and `wrong,' and at the end of life find there is a feeling of mushiness about our lack of commitment. Even if you strongly feel I am absolutely wrong in some of the things I write, it is my hope these Thoughts stimulate your neurons and encourage some discussion about the differences in our thoughts. I am willing to take the risk of being offensive and rejected, because I believe over time this will be better for those who choose to be offended and to reject. In other words, I hope over time my words prove to be empowering and not destructive or selfish."

I'm interested in sharing weekly a "thoughtlet" (little statements of big thoughts which mean a lot to me) with you because I know how important the written word can be. I am concerned about how easy it is to drift and forget our roots and our potential among all of distractions of daily life. If you ever want to download any of these thoughtlets, they are posted at or you can e-mail me at

With all my love,
(H. Roice Nelson, Jr.)

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Copyright © 1997 H. Roice Nelson, Jr.