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Responselet 9719c

Date: Sat, 17 May 1997 11:27:08 -0600

Dear Roice,

I took some time the other eve. to put your Thoughlet pages in dated order in a binder for future reference, I am sure you have them all backed up but if you miss one I've got it. I was laying in bed just thinking and brought the binder out and just started highlighting bits and pieces that were of inportance to my life and again appreciate you for sharing your thoughts, feelings, and views with us.


17 May 1997


Thanks for your kind notes. My goal is to give a legacy for my kids, especially through this hard transition time. If others can gain from it that is great. Possibly when you see my kids you can give them your perspective, since kids tend to hear `strangers' better than their parents. You are aware that all of the Thoughtlets are posted on the web as a reference, are you not? This includes your comments back to me. Check it out at and if you don't like something of yours I have put there let me know and I will remove it.

A couple of logistic things. The aniversary of Dad's death was yesterday. I am taking Roice, Ben and Sarah, and Rob down the Colorado River a week from Monday. I will be arriving in Cedar / St. George with Rob next Friday, the 23rd. I intend to go to an early morning session on Saturday to take care of Dad's endowment work. Please tell Uncle Lloyd when he gets back tomorrow, and I tell him I will plan to call him on my way south Friday afternoon / evening to arrange a specific time. I expect an 8:00 session will be about right on Saturday morning. Ben and Sara and Roice will need a place to stay on the following Thursday and (not Roice) Friday nights. Do you think Uncle Lloyd and Aunt Luana will be up to it by then?

I will be taking my Mom and Grandmother to lunch on Saturday and would enjoy having you join us. Mom has a special place in her heart for folks of oriental background, and based on your reaction to my Thoughtlets I anticipate you would enjoy her. She needs someone to take her out of the nursing home every once in a while, and, in my usual intense way of getting in other people's lives, I would like to invite you to provide her some service on a semi-regular basis while she is still alive and living at Porter's in St. George. I will only be in St. George Saturday, and plan to leave for Moab by about 4:00 Saturday evening. Hope we are able to cross paths. You might send me your phone number and also Uncle Lloyd's phone number if you get a chance.

Best Regards and thanks again.


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Copyright © 1997 H. Roice Nelson, Jr.