1993b_Chidrens_Portrait_Turner.txt Personal Note 2 Owner: Martha Ellyn Nelson Chapter: Dedication View: 90 degrees Type: Portrait Location: Inside Perspective: 1 Season: All Seasons Family: Children's Portrait Scales: 1 Scale Time: Trailing Eternal Clouds Concept: Continuation Interval: 1 Minute Pose Portraits of: (Howard) Roice Nelson, III Benjamin Bengt Nelson Paul Frederick Nelson Melanie Robbyn Nelson Sara Ellyn Nelson Robert Llewellyn Nelson Painted in December of 1990 This is a standard group portrait, except for the worlds without number behind the children. These lights represent our spirits. and pure light or Energy (E=mc**2). The exception is the shooting star, which is Lucifer falling to earth to tempt us to follow him. In the words of William Wordsworth (1770-1850): Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting: The soul that rises with us, our life's star, Hath had elsewhere its setting. And cometh from afar Not in entire forgetfulness, and not in utter nakedness, But trailing clouds of glory do we come From God, who is our home Ode (Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood) [1803-1806] Stanza 5 It seems appropriate to start this book with our children's portrait, since this work was undertaken as an attempt to pass on a journal of my feelings, philosophical musings, and thoughts to our children, and across the generations to their descendants. Since the divorce and remarriage, there are 4 additional children in my family. Since this painting is not the same size as the other ones, I plan to have Ken Turner paint another panel, like he did for the Family Reunion, with a painting of Heather Nielson, Audrey Nielson, Rachel Nielson, and Matthew Charles Nielson at about the age they were when my six kids sat for this painting. This panel will be owned by Andrea, and will be printed for inclusion in the book Prime Words as being connected to this painting. The parameters and background will be the same as this painting.