1480_Last_Supper_Ghirlandaio.txt http://www.artbible.info/art/large/302.html Domenico Ghirlandaio 1449 – 1494 The Last Supper fresco (400 × 880 cm) — 1480 Ognissanti, Florence This work is linked to 1 Corinthians 11:23 This is a very large fresco in the refectory (dining room) of the Franciscan church of Ognissanti in Florence. Ghirlandaio certainly showed his skills in this work. He used the existing shape of the room to create extra space. The view in the background, the painting of the ceiling in the fresco, and the shape of the table: they all create depth in the flat surface of the wall. The viewer is given the illusion that he looks up to the painted ceiling. Together with the background views this puts the vanishing point somewhere far away. This technique to suggest depth is also known by its Italian name sotto in su: "seen from below". Judas is the only person sitting in front of the table. Later that night, Jesus will be arrested because of his betrayal. It is remarkable that Jesus is not positioned in the center but slightly to the left. John rests his head on Jesus' chest. It is known that Leonardo da Vinci was familiar with this work when he painted his version of the Last Supper, more than ten years later. Both frescos were painted in a refectory. One important difference is that Da Vinci's figures show much more emotion than Ghirlandaio's, who remain rather static despite the dramatic weight of the moment. More on the Last Supper in art.