1460_Mary_with_Child_Mantegna.txt http://www.artbible.info/art/large/481.html Andrea Mantegna 1431 – 1506 Mary with child (San Zeno polyptych) tempera on panel (212 × 125 cm) — c. 1457-60 San Zeno, Verona This is the central panel of the San Zeno altarpiece (Verona) created by Mantegna. Here you can see the complete piece. Andrea Mantegna biography Andrea Mantegna 1431 - 1506 Italian painter and engraver, born in the vicinity of Padua. Brother-in-law of Giovanni Bellini. Mantegna is influenced by Donatello's work from early on. Characteristic of Mantegna's work are the bright colors, the strong linear perspective and the sharp lines. The subject matter is mostly classical or religious. The altarpiece for the San Zeno in Verona is one of his most famous works, just as the murals in the Camera degli Sposi (bride's room) in the Palazzo Ducale in Mantua (1468–1474). His work's composition and structure have inspired many artists.