... Introduction ...

values paradoxes

I find it useful to set aside those exceptions which occur less than 5 times in 100, or certainly those which occur less than 1 time in 100. I'm not suggesting the exceptions be discounted nor forgotten. Just set them aside and recall them if circumstances change and if data shows the exception is actually a rule under specific conditions. By focusing on the normal occurrences, we are less distracted, and, in my experience, will find faith follows.

Personal faith-based experiments can be much more tangible than a mathematical equation or a theoretical scientific experiment. I believe today, with all of the knowledge mankind and our computers are collecting, is the day when everyone can come to know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the fact we are not alone in the universe. We have the choice to be "ever learning and never coming to a knowledge of the truth," or to "open our mind that the mysteries of God may be unfolded to our view." Attempting to stand on the fence between these two options is lukewarm (Revelations 3:16P11), and puts us into the camp the Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy about, repeating from the beginning the Preface, "ever learning, and never able to come to a knowledge of the truth."

Hopefully these words packaged in this book will help someone with a scientific bent, and will also help someone with a religious approach, to live with and to be able to integrate apparent contradictions in the matrix of science and religion,3 to find more tolerance with different ways of thinking, and to find more personal fulfillment in life. It is my premise, personally tested and proven to myself, that this tolerance and fulfillment naturally follows having an open mind.

H. Roice Nelson, Jr.

August 2002

timedex infinite grid
