... III. The Actors ...

values paradoxes

Figure 59a. Tree Cover for North America, dated 17 September 2003.Figure 59b. Enhanced Vegetation Index, dated 17 September 2003.
See http://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/Observatory/Datasets/ndvi.fasir.html for an interactive NASA animation tool of vegetation coverage for selected time periods.

This fact brings up yet another paradox: wherever there are great opportunities for good, there are great opportunities for evil to step in and hijack the good.28

For instance, Islam teachings include the teachings of Christ and the fact he was a great prophet. Christians can imagine the good which will come into the world when this entire religion accepts Jesus as the Christ. At the same time, Judaism includes teachings about the return of a Messiah. Again, Christians can imagine the good which will come into the world when all Jews recognize Christ as their long-sought Messiah. And of course those of Islam and Judaism can imagine a world where Christians really lived what Christ taught. I believe the evil we see associated with these two great world religions is a manifestation of the potential for good which will come once the blinders from the evil traditions of men, who for the most part were good men and women who let their own free will be hijacked by evil, are replaced with spiritual truths.

timedex infinite grid