... II. The Framework ...

values paradoxes

When we got back to the dorm, Mike pulled me aside and asked if I wanted to go to church with him. One of the guys was there and said ‘I'll go too, if you guys go to my church.’ So the next morning. which was Sunday, John, Mike, and I went to Mass at the Lutheran Church, then we went to the LDS church. We met the missionaries. Over the next six weeks we had one discussion per week. All but 2 of the 27 summer students attended the fifth discussion, where questions about the plan of salvation were answered (Where do we come from? Why are we on earth? Where do we go after death?). As far as I know, I was the only one of this group to join the church the summer of 1968, and I had been baptized when I was about 8 years old. My testimony came from feelings in my heart, and was strengthened by the coincidences, and the synchronicity of the events. This experience was a firm witness to me, and has provided the framework for almost four decades of my life. It was, and I believe will continue to be, the spiritual iron rod of my life. I, like Job, know that my redeemer lives, and that after skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God (Job 19:25-27).2.14 And I, in the spirit of Leonardo di Vinci, know the power of the mind in unraveling the marvels of nature.

Because of my intellectual scientific tendencies, and a willingness to question both sides of the equation, the last four decades have been centered on watching for and noting patterns which help balance the science-religion equation. The spatial and temporal scale independent repeating patterns recognized along this journey have helped lead me to the conclusion probability and holography can overcome ego and provide a common framework for balancing the mirrored equations: science = religion and religion = science.

timedex infinite grid
