. . . Re: FUFU!!

. . .

Rob, Jenn, Mary, Sarah, Cole,

Hopefully I have selected the right e-mail addresses for each of you.

The package from Sara arrived on Friday. We divided it as instructed, took your stuff to San Marcus and gave it to Roice and Sarah (so Sarah, assuming your e-mail is above, you already know this).

For reference, Rob came over and picked up the rest on Sunday evening. I'm not sure of the e-mail for Al, whom Sara referred to in her e-mail, so hopefully, Rob, you will pass Sara's message on to him.

Best Regards,

Sara, Rob, & Roice's Dad

P.S. Sara, I disabled andrea@walden3d.com because someone was particularly vicious in the spam e-mail's sent to that address.

. . .

This page is at: http://www.walden3d.com/benin/letters/040615a.html Updated: 15 June 2004

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