. . . 040317a: Surprise! I'm typing from Save'!

. . .

pretty amazing, huh? so now im just working on getting my computer hooked up to their internet to get my pics on line. I cant have you being mad at me forever, right?

sara :)

March 11, 2004


I just read Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom. Didn't you say Robby gave you that book a couple of months ago? It was good and simple and touching. If you haven't read it, it talks about life and dying.

I guess when we read books like that and when we face losses like the Stahelis, it feels a little more necessary to say things we don't say on a daily basis.

So as for my thoughts that should be expressed but don't get expressed, here it goes. I've been really happy lately with our conversations and few emails. Having our last conversation in the states being a really shaky one, I was really sad thinking that we started off a long distance relationship on the wrong foot. I was thinking that it would move us backwards instead of continuing to grow. I was feeling really good about the couple of tough, yet interesting emails we had passed back and forth while I was at UT. Then even better with the camping trip that I thoroughly enjoyed. (Which I'm still really looking forward to having more when I get back - or even if you and Andrea make it to Benin, I've already scouted out areas in the hills of Save' for future camping trips.)

Needless to say, our last face to face conversation hasn't put a damper on anything, which I am thankful for. I have actually been impressed and, honestly, a bit surprised by your intense interest and thoughtful questions about my life here. I know you care and know you always have, it's just extra nice to have your attention and your worries and your sincerity and your knowledge magnified. It's been fun for me to have some sort of job-related interest that I can discuss with you. This is really my first job so I haven't been in that arena before. You're an interesting resource and I love hearing your ideas and suggestions. I really have been taking them to heart and we'll see how well any of them can be realized. Long planning horizon, right? It also gives us something where we can be on the same plane and discuss something that interests us both at the same time.

All in all, I just want to say thanks for caring about me. It gets more and more fun getting to know you the older I get. Maybe it's because we are so much alike. Maybe I am just more aware of our relationship rather than letting it be fogged in by your relationship with the other kids or with mom. Regardless, I like it and I'm looking forward to the next two years to be far away with distance but not with thoughts.

Love you,


. . .

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